QIH40 - Female Hormone
Female Hormone Pro Health is a powerful combination of herbs that helps align the hormones for a better functioning body and system. Rather than turn to medications, women can heal their body naturally with herbs and roots.
During menopause, women experience painful changes to her body. These include night sweats, diminished sex drive, and cognitive trouble. With a boost from natural supplementation, these negative side effects of menopause can be reduced, giving women a healthier body and mind.
Women who experience hormonal imbalance can also benefit from this herbal tincture. Symptoms of this include irregular periods, severe mood swings, and mental fogginess. All the issues can be resolved when a woman takes this herbal supplement as a part of their healthy lifestyle.
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“經期不准困擾很久,試了很多種辦法,吃過無數藥調理,都不見效, 朋友吃過這種很見效. 推薦我來買 補血效果非常好,現在氣色紅潤了很多.”
Amy L. - TST, Kowloon
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Stephanie W. - Causeway Bay, HK
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